That connects much more valuably than that divides
G. Hegel
More and more the organizations refuse creation practice in the structure of powerful legal services having given preference to cooperation on a contractual basis with specialized law firms. Lawyers of Group aren't an exception. Clients of firm positively estimate our receptions, methods, and also efficiency of work on all directions of legal consulting:
Protection of interests of clients in arbitration courts, courts of law and the arbitration courts includes:
- formation of an optimum position of protection of interests of the client irrespective of his procedural situation;
- drawing up statements of claim, responses or objections on statements of claim;
- drawing up private, appeal, cassation, supervising complaints to judicial acts;
- representation of interests of the client in all vessels of judicial system of the Russian Federation at any stage of arbitration and civil legal proceedings.
Representation of interests of the client is carried out:
- on the disputes following from different types of contracts: purchase and sale, deliveries, power supply, rent, leasing, contract, transportation, insurance, credit, paid rendering services, agency service, simple association, investment, etc.;
- on disputes about recognition of transactions by the invalid;
- on vzyskaniyuubytok, to compensation of harm, insurance compensation, penalty, etc.;
- at protection of the property right and other rights both property, and non-property character;
- on the disputes following from public legal relationship: tax, customs, to administrativnymspor.
Consultation on legal questions, legal examination of documents
- providing oral and written consultations on legal questions;
- preparation of the written conclusions concerning civil, corporate, administrative, financial, currency and tax, labor and other branches of the legislation;
- check of compliance to requirements of the legislation of internal documents of the client, assistance in preparation and the correct registration of these documents;
- preparation of drafts of contracts, agreements and in a case the neobkhodimostiikh coordination with contractors;
Collecting receivables and to poiny liabilities
- studying of documents for definition of prospect of the statement of monetary requirements, possibilities of the statement of counterclaims;
- preparation of documents of interests of the client necessary for protection at a pre-judicial stage of settlement of dispute and in court (drawing up claim letters, statements of claim, counterclaims, responses on statements of claim, complaints to decisions of the courts)
- representation of interests of the client at a stage of consideration of the case in court and legal maintenance of executive production;
- implementation of a complex of actions for collecting receivables;
- return of the money received on the invalid transaction or on the contract recognized unconcluded;
- indemnification, penalty, application of other consequences of violation of obligations;
- return of superficial enrichment;
- representation of interests in disputes between participants of the contractual relations (between lessors and tenants, between lessors and lessees, a boundary insurers and insurers; between power supplying organization and the consumer, etc.);
- protection of interests of the client debtor including on a tax debt.
Legal services in the sphere of the contractual relations
- protection of interests of the client in disputes in connection with the conclusion, change and contract cancellation;
- party compulsion under the contract to execute terms of the contract, and also protection of interests of the client in other disputes connected with performance of the contract;
- contract recognition invalid or unconcluded in a judicial order.
Legal support of operations with real estate, including incomplete construction objects and the land plots
- legal examination of the presented contracts (drafts of contracts) and other documents necessary for the state registration of the rights for real estate, preparation of contracts of purchase and sale, rent, etc., and formation of a package of the documents necessary for registration of the rights for real estate and transactions with it;
- legal advice on questions in the real estate sphere;
- legal maintenance of statement on the cadastral account;
- representation of the client in registration bodies for the purpose of obtaining the certificate on the state registration of the rights for real estate and transactions with it;
- complex legal maintenance of the investment activity which is carried out in the form of capital investments;
- protection of interests of the client in the disputes connected with implementation of investment activity;
- representation of interests at a stage of executive production on real estate.
Legal services in the sphere of corporate law
- preparation of constituent documents, legal support of procedures of registration, reorganization (merge, accession, division, allocation, transformation) and elimination (including within bankruptcy procedure) the organizations of all organizational and legal forms;
- consultation on questions of corporate law and management, analysis of constituent documents and acts of local action and submission of recommendations about their improvement;
- development of the local acts regulating activity of governing bodies of the legal entity (the provision on board of directors, on the director general, on control authorities, etc.);
- protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the client - the participant of open company, the shareholder in отношенияхмежду participants, shareholders, society governing bodies, the appeal of solutions of general shareholder meetings, boards of directors, individual executive body, the appeal of decisions, actions (inaction) of a registry holder;
- representation of interests at inheritance of business, a share in authorized capital of society;
- maintenance of procedure of transfer (purchase and sale, donation, exchange, etc.) business, share in authorized capital of limited liability company, and also secession of participants of limited liability company;
- compulsory repayment of securities by the person who got more than 95 percent of shares of open society;
- questions payment of dividends;
- indemnification caused by illegal actions of individual executive body, managing organization, board members, etc.
Bankruptcy and elimination
- legal advice concerning insolvency and liquidation of the organization;
- initiation of procedure of bankruptcy of the debtor in arbitration court in the order established by the law;
- selection of the arbitration managing director and legal maintenance of procedure of its appointment;
- the organization and carrying out meetings of creditors, negotiating with creditors;
- representation of interests of the creditor at implementation of procedure of bankruptcy, including meetings of creditors and trial of business on bankruptcy in arbitration court;
- the analysis of activity of the arbitration managing director (temporary, external, competitive), the appeal of its illegal decisions, actions, collecting the caused damage;
- the analysis of the register of requirements of creditors, exception of unreasonably included requirements;
- preparation and conclusion of the settlement agreement;
- maintenance of procedure of repayment of register debt, termination of procedure of bankruptcy;
- preparation of a package of documents (decisions of the founder, protocols of general meetings of founders/participants of the liquidated legal entity, statements, messages, notices) necessary for elimination of the managing subject and their giving in the appropriate government bodies;
- representation of interests of the liquidated legal entity in public authorities (registering, tax, Social insurance fund, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the state, municipal archive, etc.);
- representation of interests of the liquidated legal entity in press organs (at the publication of messages on elimination), in banks and at the notary;
- representation of interests of the liquidated legal entity in relationship with creditors (preparation of agreements on debt repayment in a voluntary order, compensation, etc.).
Executive production
- consultation on executive production for independent actions;
- representation of interests of the client in banks and other credit organizations;
- representation of interests of the client in government bodies, establishments, in arbitration courts and courts of law, service of bailiffs, in law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation;
- negotiating and correspondences with the debtor, the creditor on behalf of the client;
- appeal of illegal actions / бездействий officials of service of bailiffs;
- in the presence of signs of structure of a crime, and a consent of the client, the appeal to law enforcement agencies about initiation of legal proceedings;
- maintenance of separate executive actions: arrest and levy of execution, property realization, removal of interim measures, etc.
Services in the sphere of the administrative relations
- representation of interests when carrying out checks by various supervisory authorities;
- protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the organization, the individual entrepreneur by drawing up the protocol on an administrative offense;
- representation of interests of the client in government body or court when considering the case about an administrative offense;
- the appeal of the decision on attraction to administrative responsibility in a higher body;
- preparation, giving жалобына the decision on attraction to administrative responsibility and representation of interests in court;
- collecting the court costs connected with the appeal of the decision on illegal attraction to administrative responsibility.